Leeana Peters, PhD
Postdoctoral Scientist


Leeana completed her PhD in May 2023 with focus on elucidating the role of T1D candidate genes such as PTPN22 and CD226 in disease progression, as well as utilizing bioinformatic approaches to identify novel cell subsets and biomarkers for T1D.  Leeana Peters joined the Brusko lab as a first-year undergraduate student and received a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship for the 2015-2016 academic year to investigate the CD226/TIGIT axis in regulatory T cells and potential cellular therapy applications. 

Leeana is exploring her next endeavor options as a postdoc scientist.


F31 1F31DK129004-01A1, Multi-modal single cell analysis for investigation of T1D pathogenesis (05/31/2022- 05/31/2024)

T32 DK108736-01A1, Trainee, Atkinson (PI). Single cell sequencing and immune profiling of NOD-CD226KO & human nPOD donor tissue (2022)
