Fuhrman C, Thompson JA, Seay HR, Brusko, TM. 2012 nPOD Annual Meeting. “Flow Cytometric Immunophenotyping of nPOD Donors.” Miami, FL. Jan 16-17th, 2012.
Brusko T.M. 9th International Conference on New Trends in Immunosuppression and Immunotherapy – “Pre-clinical and clinical use of Tregs in autoimmunity.” Geneva, Switzerland. Feb 4-6th, 2010.
Brusko T.M. Tri-institutional Stem Cell Retreat – Invited talk entitled “Engineering tolerance to autoantigens in type 1 diabetes-Lentiviral TCR delivery to human regulatory T cells, Asilomar, CA. April 14-16th, 2010.
S. McClymont, M.R. Lee, A.L. Putnam, W. Liu, J. A. Bluestone, and T.M. Brusko. Stability and Plasticity of Human Regulatory T cells: Characterization of IFN-γ+ Tregs. FOCIS (Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies), Boston, MA, June 11-14, 2010.
T.M. Brusko, R.C. Koya, S. Zhu, M.R. Lee, S. McClymont, A.L. Putnam, M. Nishimura, J.A. Bluestone. Lentiviral TCR-engineered Tregs demonstrate effective suppression of T cell responses. FOCIS (Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies), Boston, MA, June 11-14, 2010.
T.M. Brusko. Engineered antigen-specific human regulatory T cells for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. The 11th International Congress of the International Diabetes Society. Incheon, Korea. Oct 31-Nov.3 2010. Upcoming invited lecture.
Brusko T.M., S. Zhu, A.L. Putnam, M.R. Lee, S. McClymont, W. Liu, M. Nishimura, R. Koya, T. Tree, J.L. Riley, and J.A. Bluestone. Development of engineered antigen-specific human regulatory T cells for the treatment of type 1 diabetes by TCR gene transfer. FOCIS (Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies), San Francisco, CA, June 11-14, 2009.
Brusko T.M. ADA (American Diabetes Association), 69th Scientific Sessions, New Orleans, LA June 5-9, 2009. Presentation type: Invited talk entitled “New therapies in the pipeline-regulatory T cells”
Brusko T.M., A.L. Putnam, S. Zhu, M.R. Lee, W. Liu, M. Nishimura, R. Koya, and J.A. Bluestone. Development of engineered antigen-specific human regulatory T cells by viral TCR gene transfer. Meeting of the Midwinter Conference of Immunologists at Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA, January 26-29th, 2009.
Brusko T.M., Amy L. Putnam, Shirley Zhu, Michael R. Lee, Weihong Liu, Michael Nishimura, Richard Koya, and Jeffrey A. Bluestone. Engineered antigen-specific human regulatory T cells by viral TCR gene transfer. 2008 Beijing International Conference on Regulatory T Cells.
Type: Oral
Brusko, T.M., C.H. Wasserfall, K.M. McGrail, A.L. Huegel, M.C. Moore, D.A. Schatz, M.A. Atkinson. Regulatory T Cells Require Serum for Suppression of Effector T Cell Proliferation and Express Stable Membrane-bound CD25. The Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies (FOCIS). 2007. Presentation type: Oral
Brusko, T. M., C. H. Wasserfall, M. A. Atkinson. 2006. CD25 Stability Controls the In Vitro Suppressive Capacity of CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cells. Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association. 2006. Presentation type: Poster
Brusko, T. M., C. H. Wasserfall, M. J. Clare-Salzler, D. A. Schatz, and M. A. Atkinson. Functional defects and the influence of age on the frequency of CD4+ CD25+ T-cells in type 1 diabetes. Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association. 2005. Presentation type: Oral
Brusko, T. M., C. H. Wasserfall, M. A. Atkinson. Dynamics of CD4+CD25+ T cells and soluble CD25 in Type 1 Diabetes. Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association. 2005. Presentation type: Oral
Zhao Han, Robert Whitener, Mark A. Atkinson, Michael J. Haller, Desmond A. Schatz, Jeffrey A. Bluestone, and T.M. Brusko. Generation of antigen-specific regulatory T cells from human umbilical cord blood. Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) June 24 – 28, 2011. San Diego, CA.
Putnam AL, McClymont, SA, Brusko T.M., Lee MR, Liu W, Ghosh T, Bluestone JA. Expanded Tregs as a cellular therapy in Type 1 Diabetes. International Society of Cellular Therapy (ISCT), San Diego CA, May 2009.
A.L. Putnam, Brusko TM, M.R. Lee, W. Liu, G.L. Szot, and J.A. Bluestone. Moving Tregs to the clinic: expansion and characterization of human regulatory T cells. 2008 Beijing International Conference on Regulatory T Cells. Oral Presentation
Haller MJ, Viener HL, Brusko T.M., Wasserfall C, McGrail K, Staba S, Cogle C, Atkinson M, Schatz DA. Insulin requirements, HbA1c, and stimulated C-peptide following autologous umbilical cord blood transfusion in children with T1D. DIABETES 56: A82-A82 Suppl. 1, JUN 2007. Oral Presentation
Wasserfall, C., Schwartz R., Simon, G., Binns, S., Brusko, T.M., Stalvey, M., Clare-Salzler, M., Song, S., Campbell-Thompson, M., Flotte, T., Atkinson, M. A dichotomous role for interleukin-10 in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association. 2005. Oral Presentation
Stalvey M., Muller C., Wasserfall, C., Brusko T.M., Schatz, D., Atkinson, M., Flotte, T. Modeling cystic fibrosis related diabetes in CFTR-deficient mice: Effects of CFTR genotype on glycemic control after sub-lethal beta cell injury or pulmonary sensitization and challenge. North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, 2005. Oral Presentation
Y. Zhang, C., Pileggi, A., Damaris Molano, R., Wasserfall, C., Campbell-Thompson, M. , Zahr, E., Poggioli, R., Brusko T.M., Flotte, T., Ricordi, C, Atkinson, M., Inverardi, L. Adeno-Associated Virus Mediated Interleukin-10 Gene Therapy Markedly Inhibits Islet Allograft Rejection in NOD Mice. Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association. 2004. Oral Presentation
Putnam AL, McClymont, SA, Brusko T.M., Lee MR, Liu W, Ghosh T, Bluestone JA. Stability and purity of expanded human CD4+CD127lo/-CD25+ Tregs for use in cellular for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Abstract – Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies (FOCIS) June 2009.
Tang, M., Lu, Y., Brusko, T.M., Wasserfall, C., Zhang, B., Campbell-Thompson, M., Atkinson, M., Song, S. Prevention of Type 1 diabetes by AAT gene therapy is dose and time dependent. Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association. 2005.
Haller, M., Cooper, S., Putnam, A., Freed, B., Brusko, T.M., Chase, P., Atkinson, M., Schatz, D. Autologous cord blood transfusion associated with prolonged honeymoon in a child with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association. 2005.
Goudy K, Wasserfall C, Burkardt BA, Brusko T.M., et al. Evaluation of mechanism, dose, and time dependency for AAV-IL-10 gene therapy in NOD mice.DIABETES 51: 1159 Suppl. 2 JUN 2002
Stalvey, M., Wasserfall, C., Brusko, T., Flotte, T., Schatz, D., Atkinson, M. A pro-inflammatory state and hyperglycemia are associated with a cystic fibrosis related diabetes mouse model. Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association. 2005.