All Posts by

Rachel Wilkes

Dr. Melanie Shapiro awarded NIDDK K99/R00

Dr. Melanie Shapiro Post doctoral associate Melanie Shaprio has been awarded the prestigious National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) K99/R00 award. The project “FcyR Receptor-Mediated Pharmacogenomics of Antibody Therapies in Type 1 Diabetes” is expected to aid in generation of prescription medicine to target subjects with or at-risk…

FOCIS 2022

FOCIS 2022 Poster of Distinction Awards Puchong ThirawatananondSelective CD226 Knockout on Regulatory T cells Reduces Diabetes in Female NOD MiceMatt Brown Human CD4+CD25+Regulatory T Cells Deficient of CD226 Demonstrate…